Virtual Auditions

Hello, Owls!

This year we decided it would be best to do online submissions in order to keep all people involved as safe as possible. We first just want to state that submitting a video will in no way, shape, or form affect your chances of joining our family. We treat video submissions just like we would in-person auditions. That being said the most important thing to remember is: 

This online audition that requires you to submit an unlisted (not public) video via YouTube. Online auditions are due by Monday, August 24th, 2020 at 12 p.m



YOU MUST DO THE ENTIRE AUDITION IN ONE TAKE. YOU MAY TRY MULTIPLE TIMES AND UPLOAD THE BEST ATTEMPT, BUT THERE CAN BE NO CUTS BETWEEN THE  EXERCISES. This is to ensure fairness and to replicate the in-person audition as closely as possible. 

Before singing, please state your first and last name, then let us know one or two things about who you are. Ex. Hometown, Age, Pronouns, Major, ect. Remember to relax and take a few breaths before you begin. If you are a Vocal Percussionist that does not sing, please skip to step 3. We want you all to feel comfortable, so don’t rush yourselves! Now onto the singing instructions:

  1. Sing a verse and chorus (or approximately 30-45 seconds) of the song you have prepared for us, a cappella. Feel free to choose whatever song works best for your voice, just avoid anything classical or old-broadway tunes. Common audition genres include Pop, R&B/Soul, Jazz, Contemporary Musical Theatre, and sometimes Doo-Wop or Folk Music. Make sure you state the song and artist before you start singing. Please do not use instrumental tracks or accompany yourself with an instrument, we want to hear your raw voice.


  1. This link takes you to the Google folder with the materials you will use for the remaining parts of the audition. 

Exercise 1: Scales Going Up - Sing on the syllable “Ah”

Exercise 2: Scales Going Down - Sing on the syllable “Lah”

-We ask that for this step in your audition video, you sing along with the mp3 file of the scale exercises. Additionally, each scales file will start by giving you the tempo and your first note (think 1..2..1234) before the scales begin. Sing as high and as low as you are able without hurting yourself. You can drop out early from either exercise if it goes out of your range. These tracks are found in the SCALE EXERCISES Folder. 

Exercise 3: Sing the note in a Chord

-During this Exercise, 3 notes will be played simultaneously. Before the chords are played you’ll be asked to sing either highest, lowest, or middle part on the syllable “Lah". You can sing the required note in the octave most comfortable for you. Each chord will be played twice. Please do them in the numerical order. These tracks are found in the SING THE NOTE Folder. 

  1. At this point in the video, if you are a person that does vocal percussion/beatboxing, this is your time to shine. Please provide us with 1 or 2 different 10 second vocal percussion flows. A VP flow can best be described as a rhythmic groove or pattern that keeps the beat and tempo of a song.  We simply want to see how well you can keep time and establish a groove to support a group in that way. After this is done, if you have any beatboxing specialties, which is more about skill and soloistic abilities/sounds than vocal percussion, please show us 10-20 seconds of something. 

  1. When you are satisfied with the video, we ask you to upload the video to YouTube (unlisted if you prefer, as long as we can view it with a link) and then please fill out this Online Audition Form and paste the link to the video in the space provided at the end of the form. We understand that this is an extra step, but it helps us avoid any technical issues by avoiding receiving a lot of different types of video files. This form also gives us more information about you that the video portion will not cover. Thanks for your cooperation in advance.

  1. DON'T FORGET THAT YOU CANNOT CUT BETWEEN THESE PARTS. You hit record, introduce yourself, sing your solo, sing your scales (up and down) with the midi accompaniment, and find the note in a chord. then hit the stop recording button. Cutting the video has a strong likelihood to not consider you for a callback, and we would love to get as many people there as possible! Take as many takes as you need, just don't cut within the take.

 Just to restate it, all online audition videos and forms are due by

 Monday, August 24th, 2020 at 12p.m.

Thank everyone! Feel free to email if you have any more questions! We are so excited to hear what you have for us!